lessons learned

Its been a while now, writing and releasing CTFs.
What have I learned?

Keep Skills Sharp
I’ve worked previously in operations and as a developer, and I run a bunch of sites so it would be easy to fall into complacency. Setting up the infrastructure and building the stack for a CTF is a fantastic refresher to keep skills sharp.
Know Apache inside out? Throw yourself at Nginx.
Need to build something? Try a different framework than last time.

People will need help.
It would be helpful to have meaningful hints ready to drop prepped in advance.

As a techy, by law my soft skills are shot to hell.
This is something I am working on but I can see that player interaction is needed to deliver hints and chat.
I’m really hoping that #ctfwhysomanybiscuits will take off in all honesty.
Meanwhile please feel free to direct message me on twitter with questions or comments.

Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash.

The logs of a CTF will show “B4ckdoor-owned-you” more times than you can shake a tool at.
They also show that the bots are out there waiting for you.

Written on July 17, 2020